The Value Chain is the number of steps to turn raw materials into finished goods. Value chains tell us where the money in a pint of beer goes and to which companies. Value Chain Innovation powers the economic magic of brewpubs.
Up Next in Season 1
Help Ensure Your Beers Get Selected A...
Consumers are living in a disenchanted world, with no sense of magic or escape like we used to seek out as children. How can craft beer fix this and enchant and delight beer drinkers? Learn how here!
How To Create Repeat Customers By Off...
Surplus Value. Dr. Mark R. Meckler of Crafting A Strategy teaches a lesson on surplus value and consumer surplus and why they are strategically important to craft business success.
How Many Beers Should We Make If We W...
As craft beer drinkers demand more variety of beer flavors, beer businesses are under incredible pressure to make more beer types but still be a profitable business. You can't please everyone, but you also have to be different enough. This video shares the science behind choosing the optimal prod...